State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

MWC 2016: The future of Sony - a voice in the ear and touch the wall

18:58, 10-03-2016

No matter how significant smartphones by themselves, but they seem to have found their completion, at least at this stage of development of technology, form factor, and, with the advent of the great "friends» LG G5, attention seems to have some degree shifted from phones to unusual accessories. At MWC, Sony pleased with headset, a camera, a personal assistant and a projector that turns an ordinary wall into a touch screen. Of course, each of these gadgets has a number of interesting features. Useful information will be received not only in the user's ear, but also displayed on the wall of the room.

Sony Xperia Ear

These accessories, as previously discussed in the framework of the story of the new smartphones were considered in detail by Dan Seifert (Dan Seifert) in the published resource The Verge illustrated note «Sony's new 'smart' accessories borrow ideas from Motorola and Amazon». It should be remembered that, except for the Ear, we are talking about concepts, not about the announcement of the real products.

The first of the featured companies is called Xperia Ear - wireless earpiece. Something it is similar to Motorola Moto Hint, being small, the Bluetooth handheld device, "providing useful information such as your calendar, weather and breaking news" in his ear to its user. The user can operate it using voice commands to make calls, and search, as well as dictate the message, or receive guidance on the direction of travel.

Xperia Ear will connect to a smartphone via NFC and Bluetooth installed and operated on a smartphone companion app. The package includes a cover, also works as a charging device, allowing you to carry up to three full charges devaysa, which will last a maximum of four hours of talk time.

Although at first glance gives the impression Ear interesting device, but if you think about it, you might get the impression that talking on the phone while listening to the incoming messages are not more pleasing than to receive pop-up notifications in the process of working with the phone screen. Sony said that this gadget will go on sale this summer. Its price will be announced later.

Concept Sony Xperia Eye

In addition, the company has shown a 360-degree camera 'biographies »(life-logging) Xperia Eye. Xperia Projector lets you bring a touch interface on any wall. In addition, also presented Xperia Agent, controlled by speech and gestures device that Sony describes as its "vision of a personal assistant."

Sony Xperia Projector Concept

Projector and Agent empower Ear and, presumably, will provide the user with contextual information for the day. This is somewhat reminiscent of Amazon Echo, allows you to write on the wall. The device can recognize people and to welcome their voice, and control home appliances, such as lighting.

Projector, appear to be useful to its display information to the user on the room wall. On the screen, which was shown at the MWC Sony, displays a clock with calendar events and weather, but there is also a more detailed calendar photoappendices.

Concept Sony Xperia Agent

This interface, at first glance, a very easy to use. User manages conventional tapami and swipe over the surface of the wall. But there is a certain lack of such technological solutions - the wall, after constant touch it with your fingers, and there will be so pure as before. There is another drawback - the image may seem dull to many users. However, the Sony does not specify whether it is a real smart accessory, which will be carried out, or only about the concept.

Recently, the company was also presented with the camera for the most advanced smartphones. The Sony believe that in 2017 the flagship smartphone will be equipped with dual camera modules.

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