State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


15:01, 22-02-2016

Materials with memory effect is always produced at the unprepared viewer an incredible effect. Such materials are used in a variety of fields ranging from refrigerators to sports clothing. The team of scientists from the University of Rochester developed a new flexible polymer that is able to keep the form adopted by them at room temperature, but when exposed to the heat of the human body it returns to its original shape.

Materials with memory, responsive to the temperature gradually find use in the automotive industry and architecture. But in the case of such materials, as a rule, requires a very high temperature. Scientists from the United States for a long time worked hard to lower the temperature the starting point transformations within the material. And they succeeded. Resulting in the development of elastic polymer is strong enough, good stretches and takes the form asked him, and when in contact with human skin (start point of the changes is at around 35 degrees Celsius), he quickly returned to the original view.

When stretching the material and stretched polymer molecular chain, of which it consists. This leads to the fact that small polymer segments crystallize and stabilize its deformed shape. Scientists have found that the addition of specific compounds in the polymer structure able to enable it to return to its original shape at a predetermined temperature by researchers. Thus, by manipulation of certain cosmetic material structure, they have created a polymer which responds to human body temperature.

Scientists are interested in the fact that at the time of the reverse deformation new material allocates a considerable amount of energy that can be sent in a useful direction, therefore published a video on YouTube, they have demonstrated their polymer can lift loads of 1,000 times heavier than himself. Currently, researchers speculate over those areas in which one of the polymer can be used. Among dubbed versions mentioned artificial leather, and clothing, which automatically adapts to the body shape.

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