State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Scientists create invisible to radar material

14:43, 22-02-2016

A team of US and Chinese physicists developed a metamaterial, which is a lattice of plastic and copper components. It is reported that this material will be able to hide from radar objects of arbitrary shape, also to protect the antenna for interference, and provide selective permeability of the medium.

Scientists have studied the so-called "dark" state metamaterial - with nanoparticles coated with the subject interacted with virtually no passing through the light and radio waves.


Thus physicists used corrugated wire is a copper wire, which is put on a lot of cylindrical and cubic structures, separated by inserts made of plastic-dielectric. The dimensions of these structures have been selected so that the transmitted electromagnetic waves at certain frequencies. With this design the wire transmits radio wave without reflecting and scattering them. However, in order to hide an object from radar, it is necessary first to determine at what frequency the works.

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