February 1 this year, Microsoft has changed the status of the upgrade to Windows 10 to Windows Update. Now a new version of the operating system is not considered to be optional, but recommended package. Thus, the users whose settings exhibited automatic installation is not only important, but also the option packages will automatically be updated with Windows 7 and 8.1 to Windows 10. You can avoid loading by turning off automatic updates or disable the automatic installation of recommended updates.
It announced last year that the first year of Windows 10 will be free for users of Windows 7 and 8, while the Microsoft became intrusive in proposing this OS. Resource Explorer Delfi believe that it is in the shop Windows Store applications.
Put us, put how we became the best of us
All Windows updates are divided into three types: critical, recommended and optional. "Update" of the first and second type are placed on their own, if you trust the OS patch management (most trusts). Windows 10 and recently went to the "optional" updates, so put her accident was hard. Now - it is easy.
Of course, even as a "recommended" update, Windows 10 will not be able to install yourself - Members still have ponazhimat different buttons several times to confirm the selection. In addition, if the installation process has started yet, you can always cancel. Finally, even if Windows 10 was established, for the first 30 days, you can always return to the Windows 7 or 8.1. But still…
In fairness it should be noted that Microsoft this move came as no surprise - in the last year, the company's representatives have warned that this would happen. They explain this by saying that the company wants to give as many people a chance to upgrade to Windows 10 for free, and it can be done only until the end of July 2016. So it is no "this" in Microsoft's eyes to the fact that a window with an offer to upgrade to Windows 10 will now be popping up more frequently.
Need a Speshka Only ...
When Microsoft announced the Only about volume, something techenye pervogo Manuscript in the Windows 10 will be besplatnыm, nevydannыy This dosele Hod horse porazyl many. Beginning on the Internet nemedlenno poyavlyatsya Conspiracy theory, samыe myahkye IZ kotorыh sounded As "A sweat How to" abonentka "vseh podsadyat!" Or "Nothing, Microsoft schet vыstavyt else."
Vaud TIME officially announced That was the announcement of volume, something tselju Microsoft javljaetsja 1 billion. The number of Windows 10. Users vpolne realnoe and prymerno anyway because something demonstryruet Apple's sluchae Quantity Users with iOS.
Can pokazatsya, something Apple pilgrimage and something mobylnыh devices in principle more. However Marketplace and computers, hot and sokraschaetsya everything else hyhantskyy - a year in Nam Sale order of 270 million. Novyh devices. Vprochem, Even on a Tacoma Size chudovyschnom on the market Microsoft anyway reshyla razdavat its operating system free of charge, but not for Money - Otherwise 1 billion. "2-3 Manuscript" were not stumbled.
Generally myllyard why do this and why ymenno myllyard? Yes something later Windows Store, there is a shop applications for Windows 10, that's "why do" and IOP is "why"! This place in Kotor can be razdavat and can be sold to a third-party program developers - as delayut This Apple s ee App Store and Google c Google Play. Protsentы a sale always ydut vladeltsu "bench" and not as protsentы These Uh malenkye. For example, Apple zarabatыvaet this way a year to 31 billion. Dollars. Clearly, Microsoft wants something and thy myllyard 31.
But эtoho not sluchytsya, If in the Windows Store will not be users. Nadeau also, Avto Windows Store developer vosprynymaly more serious - along with App Store and Google Play. A more serious ego vosprynymat îíè WILL BE sluchae only in volume, If there ... will be the user.
This Classical and egg problem kurytsы. Translates Users on Windows 10 does not mыtem, so Catania, Microsoft ymenno ee and reshaet. In this company than individuals razborchyva the methods - and This nesluchayno. Podaetsya Do, How to эtoy week, go to the Windows 10 pod sauce "rekomenduemoho Updates" obъyavlyaetsya ly at volume, something Modern "iron" will not be podderzhyvatsya Windows 7 and 8, hovorytsya Do something Windows 8 and IE 10 sunk into oblivion - This is delaetsya with tochnыm calculation and Negative zamechanyya Presses and User is sotssetyah yhnoryruyutsya. In Satya Nadellы (pictured), Director nыneshneho Microsoft, Where smelosty more, something in the ego predecessors Steve Ballmer and company soosnovatelya Even Bill Gates.
Winners are not judged, all Melochi zabudutsya and all prostytsya, If Massa will be krytycheskaya Created Users Windows Store - dostatochno Bolshaya order Avto developer, im This nravytsya or not, but the beginnings bы rassmatryvat platform naravne with mobylnыmy competitors. Well, chem bolshe Pack and yhr applications, themes More dovolnы user. All schastlyvы and tantsuyut, and Microsoft shareholders poradovat something there - a $ 31 billion a year, This is also a $ 31 billion a year, with some kind on their sides Look us.
If not "yard", then what?
In December 2015 Microsoft announced Manuscript of volume, something Windows 10 already polzuetsya morethan 200 million. Man, so something company 1/5 Finished his goal. And is easy to predict something ponadobytsya If, Windows 10 ostanetsya besplatnoy else for a while after July 2016 year. A If "sovsem edge", the OS puts everybody in general nachnut podryad bit Do not prynudytelno - the War on War As all sredstva good. Nadella uveren in volume, something Windows Store dolzhen "vzletet" and Otherwise death zabvenye and okonchatelnaya pobeda mobylnыh platforms.
C эtoy running Microsoft natselylas yhrat "vdolhuyu" and does not want, Avto ÎÍÀ razdelyla smartphones fate of the company, for all the time kotorыh That was the Total sold 110 million pieces - nychtozhno little compared to 4.5 billion iOS and Android.