State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Practical training on the Inter TV channel

16:09, 07-04-2016

The most important characteristic of the activities of the department of radio technologies is the demand for graduates in the labor market. Getting perspective specialty in the field of telecommunications and computer science graduates that  are well mastered the curriculum, are in demand in the labor market.

Many companies specializing in IT-technologies, interested in obtaining qualified personnel. Career growth in this organization depends on the scale of done work and accompanied by an increase in wages. In the future, possible promotions. For example, a technician can become a leading engineer of digital mobile radio and digital television. This is due to the fact that the industry of mobile telecommunications and digital television is currently one of the most promising field. Moreover, according to many experts, today we can speak to the world about the scale of the offensive era of info-communications, because the sphere of telecommunications and information are developing dynamically and in close relationship with each other. Therefore, at the present stage more than ever in demand by professionals in this field. The modern worker of this field has to be versatile and well-versed in the software, as well as in engineering and technical issues.

In this regard, it is important the interaction of education and business, which helps to ensure effective transfer of knowledge from fundamental science to high-tech businesses and the transfer of technological knowledge of the business in the education system. Modern communication university must have a training, research and production complex with training centers taking part in the work of operators and telecommunications companies in the Commonwealth of communication with other universities in order to create a common educational space of Ukraine on the basis of modern information and communication technologies. At the university during training in accordance with the curriculum of training specialists of specialization "Mobile telecommunications and digital television system" provides for students practical training at leading enterprises and institutions of the telecommunications industry and mobile radio operators. Thus, from the second semester of the 2015-2016 academic year started planning discipline "Fundamentals of television and television systems" on the TV channel broadcasting equipment Inter with depth study of the technical aspects of digital television systems for students of RTD-31 group.

During the training students studied the practical aspects of the principles of construction and operation of modern digital broadcasting systems using a local area radio networks as well as video production technology and radio broadcasting, modeling of technological processes in the modern digital video information systems under the direction Shupyk Eugene Valentinovitch.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the knowledge gained on Inter TV channel, help to graduates start to build their future career in one of the most stable and fastest growing industries - the field of digital broadcasting.

Head of the Department of Radio technologies, doctor in technical Sciences, Professor SAYKO VOLODYMYR HRYGOROVYCH


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