State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Tuning and optimization of UMTS mobile networks

13:04, 06-10-2015

Members of the staff of the radiotechnologies chair of the university jointly with the specialists of the mobile operator Actelit successfully carry out work on creation of hardware-software technical complex on tuning and optimization of new generation cellular communication networks.

The purpose of creation of general laboratory «Tuning and optimization of UMTS mobile networks»:

1. Introduction in the educational process of the university of innovative learning technologies for high-quality preparation of specialists in terms of practical skills and meeting the requirements of telecommunication labor-market employers in relation to the competence of professional activity of master's degrees graduates on specialty «Apparatus of radio communications, broadcast and television».

2. Provision of a possibility of organizing high-level courses in the form of extracurricular groups of students which plan in the future to obtain the certificate of competence with Actelit mobile company.

3. Offering of commercial courses  for training of specialists in the area of management and organization of technical activity in broadcasting organizations, technicians-and-engineers of public and commercial institutions.

On completion of WCDMARAN course participants will be practically able:

  • To break into the details the general processes of radio network;
  • To fine-tune services of WCDMARAN;
  • To optimize services of WCDMARAN;
  • To explain a difference between tuning and optimization of the services of WCDMARAN.

Sayko V.G. 249-25-04

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