State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Literature Parlour: «Shevchenko reading»

11:48, 09-04-2014

Той любить Фані Брон, той любить Беатріче,

Лауру, Ганську або Наталі.

Коштовні імена на бархаті сторіччя!

Немеркнучі зірки на обріях землі!

О, скільки взято нот і списано паперу!

Шкода, як ореол не держиться чола.

Коли безсмертя впало на Ликеру,

Вона якраз по бублики ішла.


It has became a tradition for teachers of Ukrainian studies annually at our university "Shevchenko reading".

So this year the department suggested scripted and directed by lecturer of Ukrainian State University of Telecommunications Stezhko S., reveal page life that recall is very rare - about love Shevchenko. Who and how he loved a great man, and not even a big , its essence is revealed. And for us it is important lessons humanity.

Participants readings were as NNIGT students and students of other institutions of the University.

Start event schoolgirl 2 - grade school number 40 Loban Anya poem " Flowing water from Sycamore ... " and continued reading students 1 - st, 2 - second , third and 4 - year students which performed poetry TG Shevchenko , the songs on his poetry and contemporary music dedicated to the great Kobzar .

The closing remarks were made by the Head of Ukrainian studies associate professor Dudnic V., who said: "We all know that Taras Shevchenko has devoted his entire life to serving his native Ukraine . He is a poet for all before - a fighter. According brilliant image of the heroic past and suffering enslaved people disfranchised time one can not ignore the "other Shevchenko" - fine poems, which is alien to all human, including love. Taras Shevchenko had his ideal woman he loved and was loved . I let intimate poems in terms of inferior works dedicated other topics , his ballads , poems and poems about love are fine examples of lyrical poetry "



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