State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Ivaschenko P., Borschova L., Rozenvasser D.
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524 Кб
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This education manual contains: main theoretical positions of Telecommunication Theory, chapter Transmission of information in telecommunication systems; methodical guidelines for fulfilling laboratory works; individual tasks with input data and methodical instructions for it performance; short English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries on transmission of information in telecommunication systems. The manual is intended for students training on a direction of Telecommunication studying the module 2 of Telecommunication theory.
Ivaschenko P., Borschova L., Rozenvasser D.
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792 Кб
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This education manual contains main theoretical positions of Telecommunication Theory, chapter «Theory of noise immunity of telecommunication signals reception», questions and tasks for examination of knowledge, methodical instructions and input data for course work, methodical guidelines for fulfilling laboratory works, short English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries.
Gorbachev V.E., Tumbrukati E.G.
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807 Кб
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The following methodical guide is about section “Physics of optical communication” of physics course for telecommunications technician. Five stages allow students to learn basics of optical communications buildings and calculations techniques applied to determine main characteristics of four determinative elements of construction of fiber optical communication line. It contains sufficient theoretical information combined with examples of implementation of calculated work part.
assoc. prof. Gorbachov V.E, instructor Kardashev K.D.
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1.08 Мб
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The following methodical guide is about section “Electromagnetic oscillations and waves” of physics course for telecommunications technician. Four laboratory works allow students to learn basics of electrical engineering and measuring technique applied to determine main characteristics of oscillations systems and waves. It contains sufficient theoretical information combined with detailed descriptions of applied electromagnetic equipment construction and measuring techniques.
Gorbachov V.E., Kardashev K.D., Tumbrukati E.G.
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889 Кб
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The following methodical guide is about section “Electromagnetism” of physics course for telecommunications technician. Four laboratory works allow students to learn basics of electrical engineering and measuring technique applied to determine main characteristics of electrical systems and magnetic field. It contains sufficient theoretical information combined with detailed descriptions of applied electromagnetic equipment construction such as Whetstone bridge, tangent-compass, and measuring techniques such as bridge circuit, comparison method.
GorbachevV.E., Tumbrukati E.G.
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Document size:
447 Кб
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The following methodical guide is about section “Electromagnetism” of physics course for telecommunications technician. Four problems allow students to learn basics of electrical engineering and calculations techniques applied to determine main characteristics of electrical systems and magnetic field. It contains sufficient theoretical information combined with examples of problems’ solutions.
Gorbachev V.E., Tumbrukati E.G.
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Document size:
395 Кб
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The following methodical guide is about section “Electromagnetic oscillations and waves” of physics course for telecommunications technician. Four problems allow students to learn basics of electrical engineering and calculations techniques applied to determine main characteristics of electrical oscillations systems and electromagnetic waves. It contains sufficient theoretical information combined with examples of problems’ solutions.
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Document size:
528 Кб
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Додаток до навчального посібника “Telecommunication and Information Technologies” призначено для студентів 1-2-х курсів технічних спеціальностей. Складається з 4639 термінів та 186 скорочень. Сприяє формуванню як термінологічної спеціологічної компетенції студентів, так і розвитку навичок перекладу професійних текстів за фахом “Телекомунікація”.
Н.В. Чугунова, В.О. Кудряшова
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Document size:
289 Кб
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Навчальний посібник призначено для студентів-магістрів вузів зв'язку. Оригінальний текстовий матеріал сприятиме сприятиме підвищенню термінологічної компетенції студентів.
Н.В. Чугунова, Г.П. Кузнєцова, О.Д. Богуславська
Document language:
Document size:
720 Кб
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Навчальний посібник призначено для студентів 1-го курсу інституту поштового зв'язку. Посібник складається з трьох частин. При складанні посібника були використані аутентичні тексти з даної спеціальності, взяті з сучасних британських і американських джерел. Мета посібника - поглиблене вивчення термінологічних складових текстового матеріалу, що сприятиме формуванню специфічної професіональної комунікації.
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