State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
Contact information:
Admissions Committee:
Department of documentation and information provision and control
Phone / fax: (044) 249-25-12
Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


General information
Teaching staff
Educational disciplines
Methodical work
Scientific activities
Publishing activities
Work with students
News and events
Contact information
Educational and material base
We invite for you studies

As part of career guidance and pre-university training young workers DUT meet with students of schools and colleges as well as college students not only in Kyiv but also throughout the Ukraine.

Teachers of the Department constantly work to attract students for admission in State University of telecommunications.

Established teachers of the Department with educational establishments of Kyiv:

1. Specialized school  №61 І-ІІІ with advanced study of information technologies;

2. Specialized school №189 І-ІІІ with profound studying of English and German languages;

3. Lyceum "Goloseevskiy" №241;

4. Specialized school №254 with profound studying of English language;

5. Specialized school №115 of name I. Ogiyenka with profound studying of English language;

6. Specialized school №152 I-III with profound studying of English language;

7. Economic-legal Lyceum ІІ-ІІІ Desnianskyi district;

8. Specialized school  №71 with advanced learning of English;

9. Secondary school №134  I-III named after Y. A. Gagarin;

10. Specialized school №147 I-III  Desnianskyi district.

In other areas:

1. Cherkasky region, Gorodishchensky R-n, s.Orlovets - Orlovetsky school I-III St..

2. Kiev- Svyatoshinsky district, village of Spichki.

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