State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
Contact information:
Admissions Committee:
Department of documentation and information provision and control
Phone / fax: (044) 249-25-12
Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
Educational-scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship


General information
Chair of the Institute
Contact information
News and actions
We invite for you studies


Due to the high level of training graduates NNIMP are employed in certain organizations and companies. The overall employment rate is nearly 100%.

For example, graduates of the Institute, specializing in "Management and Administration" hold positions:

  • heads of production units, experts from the financial and economic security of the leading telecommunication companies - JSC "Telesystems of Ukraine", CJSC "Telesvit", JSC "Telecominvest - Kyiv" and others.
  • professionals / managers of financial, economic and administrative departments, managers on business telecom operators: PrATKyyivstar, JSC "MTS Urayina", JSC "Ukrtelecom", JSC "DATAGROUP", LLC "Optima Telecom" and so on.

Graduates are prepared for professional careers as sociologists in public enterprises and institutions, social and analytical services, commercial firms and research institutions in the field of education. Our graduates work successfully for social and marketing firms in the area of political management. As a professional sociologist, you can work efficiently:

  • in public, municipal and corporate governance;
  • human resource management professionals;
  • in units of social services ministries and agencies, production companies and corporations;
  • publisher’s, on television, in advertising agencies in the field of public relations (PR);

Educational-scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship

Contact information

Director NNIHT 
Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine


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