Those wishing to get the highest salary never taking great pains?
Join the sphere of IT-technologies!
It’s we who are looking for intelligent lasy-bones.
For them to work less people do scientific
researches and discoveries and
implement modern technologies.
To satisfy the needs of growing demand of Ukrainian society in training highly qualified specialists, who don’t only posses theoretic knowledge, but have skills and use them while operating modern equipment, a set of laboratories is founded with constant updating its resources at the department of Telecomminication.
The laboratories are integrated into general laboratory net of Educational Scientific Institute of Telecommunication and Informatisation.
The Common scheme of the laboratory net of Educational Scientific Institute of Telecommunication and Informatisation.
Taking to consideration the perspectives of placing a job and the amount of a salary of the University graduates one can expect it to be related to the experience acquired to use the up-to-date equipment, which is provided for better students training and which imitates functioning of the latest samples of the equipment world.
The Department of Telecommunication Systems is the leading Department of the University which is responsible for making up study programs, for the contents of all educational disciplines and for the quality of training of the bigger category of specialists in the area of Telecommunication.
That’s why the basic disciplines which allow students to study the fundamentals of net technologies architecture and net protocol of the next generation.
The disciplines also let students get to know designing, structure and technical use of the whole of telecommunication nets. The disciplines are taught by the board of Telecommunication Systems.
The Scheme of the telecommunication net at laboratory 217
The laboratory scheme provides facilities for performing laboratory works to the themes: maintaining of telecommunication systems and nets, telecommunication systems designing, technical use of systems, theory of information transmitting, systems of telecommunication transmission systems.
The laboratory equipment and methodical materials are aimed at studying and controlling up-to-date nets of broadband access ADSL/2/2+, nets of next generation NGN, radiorelay lines of communications, traffic multiplexing systems, modern systems of managing telecommunication nets as well as methods and principals of testing and certificating of communication lines.
The Scheme of telecommunication stent at laboratory 219
The laboratory provides the necessary facilities for carrying out laboratory works to the themes: use and adjustment of multiservice nets of the next generation, analysis and creating of net cervices, control and synchronization in SDH nets, control of providing proper quality of data transmission in multiservice nets.
The laboratory equipment and methodical materials are aimed at studying of structure fundamentals of net functions, headlines of information structures, multiplexing occurrence of loops of synchronization in SDH net; study of kinds of analogue digital modulations methods of interference-resistant encoding and study of interference-resistantness of a receiver.
Together with the the rapid growth of computer technologies the use of various educational software is widely implemented enabling class time to be used effectively, which makes it possible to get the study subjects at the expense of flexibility and accessibility of technical and software tools of EOM.
So we are sure that our University graduates will not have any problems with their job placing, having the certificate of the University reflecting their high level of skills in using up-to-date equipment produced by world market leaders of telecommunication services.