State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
Contact information:
Admissions Committee:
Department of documentation and information provision and control
Phone / fax: (044) 249-25-12
Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Educational disciplines

Educational disciplines

Discipline cycle of professional and practical training

At the department the following disciplines are taught:

  1. Systme of switching telecommunication

The subject of academic disciplines are principles of construction and functioning of analog and digital switching systems in telecommunications. The purpose of studying of the discipline are:

  • Formation of basic knowledge of specialists on analog and digital communication techniques for solving different problems;
  • A study coordinate and quasi-electron switching systems, which are used for local and long distance telephone networks of Ukraine;
  • Acquisition of some skills on exploitation, analysis and designing of systems of automatic switching.
  1. Technical operation and measurement in systems of telecommunications

The subject of academic disciplines are: general principles of organization of technical maintenance and measurement, switching systems, as well as the principles of construction and operation of the technical maintenance of switching systems, organization of technical maintenance and principles of construction of systems of control and diagnostics of ATS; principles load measurement and implementation of statistical measurements.

The purpose of studying of the discipline are:

  • To receive basic practical skills in technical operation (TO) switching systems "CEATS – A and CEATS with software control on laboratory equipment, CEATS "KVANT", as well as modern digital systems of commutation;
  • To study the organization of measuring key parameters in switching systems with software running on the nodes of communication at all levels of the state system of telephone communication;
  • To obtain initial practical skills in using modern means of the alarm system, training system in operation, control and diagnostics of ATS.
  • Computer technology and the dimension in telecommunications

Subject to academic discipline are the methods of technical diagnostics of analog and digital (discrete) devices of telecommunications. The purpose of a discipline are: sensitize students to the basic provisions of technical diagnostics, assimilation method of analysis of mathematical models of the failure of analog and digital devices, equipment of various applications, the formation of the students ' practical skills of construction of tests for technical diagnostics of these devices.

  1. Control complexes of telecommunication

The purpose of educational discipline is to teach to build a logical model of the analog device objects telecommunications, build tests troubleshooting analog devices, telecommunications and build rational conventional algorithms Troubleshooting these devices; to be able to make the checking tests discrete devices of telecommunications for the most common methods of technical diagnostics of digital switching systems.

  1. Software for telecommunication systems

The aim of the course is to study main issues of the software of modern digital systems of automatic switching, the appointment software, software requirements, component parts of the software CSK, implementation of major programmes of service calls and programmes that ensure the needs of administrations of communication networks, programming languages, recommended CCIT (Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone) to form for software development DSC, as well as the main indicators of the reliability of the software.

  1. Signalng and synchronization in telecommunication systems and networks

The subject of academic disciplines are:

  • processes and systems of synchronization;
  • processes and systems of signaling;
  • types and structure of synchronization systems;
  • types and structure of alarm systems.

The purpose of studying of the course is the training of students:

6. Network technology

The subject of academic disciplines are: principles of analysis, synthesis and optimization of structure of information and telecommunication networks, principles of functioning networks.

The purpose of studying of the discipline are:

  • Formation of basic knowledge of specialists on analog and digital communication techniques for solving different problems;
  • Studying of the architectural principles of construction of networks, principles of organization of local, regional and global networks;
  • Acquisition of a number of skills of analysis and synthesis of communication networks.
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