State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
Contact information:
Admissions Committee:
Department of documentation and information provision and control
Phone / fax: (044) 249-25-12
Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Educational and material base

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Educational and material base

In order to meet the growing demand of Ukrainian society in the preparation of highly qualified specialists who not only must have theoretical knowledge, but also be able to practically apply them in the operation of modern equipment, the department of space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications was created and constantly updated material base.

Keenly aware that employment prospects and wages for university graduates will depend on the experience gained practical use of equipment, Department creates all conditions for this.

The structure of the educational and material resources includes:

  • educational laboratory №211, which installed the latest equipment and information and reference posters;
  • teaching auditorium №212.

The structure of the training laboratory includes antenna field:

  • 4 satellite internet terminals HUGHES (USA);
  • 2 terminals for satellite Internet company Tooway (France);
  • 1 terminal satellite MABO (Poland);

used in the learning process.

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Натискаючи на кнопку "Отримати консультацію", ви даєте згоду на обробку персональних даних та погоджуєтеся з політикою конфіденційності.

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