State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

M.B. Protsenko, S.V. Nesteruk
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367 Кб
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Goal of the methodical instructions to practical classes is to help students during independent study of theoretical principles of discipline Engineering Electrodynamics, part 1 – theoretical foundations of electromagnetics and in the performance of individual tasks. Methodical recommendations to practical classes on the following topics: introduction to electromagnetism, basics of transmission lines are given in the textbook. Key questions on the corresponding topics are given for each lesson as well as problems for the home task followed by solution guidelines. Methodical instructions to practical classes are intended for students of full-time and part-time forms of education on telecommunications training area.
Protsenko M.B., Nesteruk S.V.
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638 Кб
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Goal of the methodical instructions is to help students during independent study of theoretical principles of discipline Engineering Electrodynamics, part 1 – theoretical foundations of electromagnetics and in the performance of individual tasks and laboratory work. The description of the laboratory work includes along with methodical recommendations on theoretical and experimental research (study) of the basic processes in a microwave path, measuring methods of their parameters and performances. Laboratory work named research of the matching techniques of transmission lines with an arbitrary load. Methodical instructions are intended for students of full-time and part-time forms of education on telecommunications training area.
M.B. Protsenko, S.V. Nesteruk
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Document size:
692 Кб
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Goal of the methodical instructions is to help students during independent study theoretical principles of discipline Engineering Electrodynamics, part 1 – theoretical foundations of electromagnetics and in the performance of individual tasks and laboratory work. The description of the laboratory work includes along with methodical recommendations on theoretical and experimental research (study) of the basic processes in a microwave path, measuring methods of their parameters and performances. Laboratory work named research of operating modes of waveguide transmission line. Methodical instructions are intended for students of full-time and part-time forms of education on telecommunications training area.
Protsenko M.B.
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4.19 Мб
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The purpose of the methodical instructions is to assist students in studying of theoretical aspects of module 1 ― Functional Devices of Radiochannel of Mobile Communication Systems, themes 1.3 ― Antenna device of base and subscriber stations of mobile communication systems, specifically principles of base stations antennas of mobile communications in the form of panel antennas, research of their characteristics within the laboratory exercises to familiarize with the main stages of laboratory work and drafting features of the studying results in the reporting protocol.
M.B. Protsenko, S.V. Nesteruk
Document language:
Document size:
592 Кб
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Goal of the methodical instructions is to help students during independent study of theoretical principles of discipline Engineering Electrodynamics, part 1 – theoretical foundations of electromagnetics and in the performance of individual tasks and laboratory work. The description of the laboratory work includes along with methodical recommendations on theoretical and experimental research (study) of the basic processes in a microwave path, measuring methods of their parameters and performances. Laboratory work consists of two parts: part 1) Measurement of wave length of electromagnetic oscillations in a waveguide, and part 2) Standing wave ratio measurement. Methodical instructions are intended for students of full-time and part-time forms of education on telecommunications training area.
Іващенко П.В., Дирда В.Ю.
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Document size:
159 Кб
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Methodological recommendations
Іващенко П.В., Дирда В.Ю.
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Document size:
197 Кб
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Methodological recommendations
В.Ю Дирда, П.В. Іващенко
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Document size:
861 Кб
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У навчальному посібнику для бакалаврів у восьми лекціях розглянуто: основні інформаційні характеристики джерел дискретних та неперервних повідомлень; ефективне кодування джерел дискретних повідомлень; кодування аналогових сигналів методами ІКМ, ДІКМ та ДМ; інформаційні характеристики каналів зв’язку; теореми Шеннона для джерел повідомлень та каналів зв’язку. Особливістю посібника є наявність значної кількості прикладів та вправ, довідкового матеріалу, словника термінів та визначень, індивідуальних та тестових завдань. Розрахункові формули зведені в таблиці. Така побудова посібника є більш доцільною для використання студентами під час освоєння матеріалу з модуля 2.
П.В. Іващенко
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Document size:
990 Кб
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Навчальний посібник містить матеріали до вивчення модуля 3 дисципліни «Теорія зв’язку». Матеріали подано як конспект лекцій. Викладено теорію завадостійкості цифрових та аналогових систем передавання. Синтезовано схеми оптимальних демодуляторів одномірних та двовимірних сигналів, визначено їх завадостійкість Розглянуто причини відмінності завадостійкості оптимальних та реальних демодуляторів. Розглянуто приймання сигналів в каналах з завмираннями та в каналах з МСІ.
Іващенко П.В.
Document language:
Document size:
386 Кб
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