State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Сімкова І. О., Мальцева І. В, Мормуль О. О.
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2.43 Мб
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Навчальний посібник для студентів ОКР магістр гуманітарних спеціальностей (адміністративний менеджмент і соціологія). Посібник призначено для навчання англійської мови для науковців, орієнтовано на студентів гуманітарних спеціальностей рівня володіння англійською мовою С1 за Загальноєвропейськими Рекомендаціям з мовної освіти і може бути використано для навчання студентів гуманітарних спеціальностей (адміністративний менеджмент і соціологія) у вищих навчальних закладах і на старших курсах факультетів соціології. Посібник включає практичні завдання для аудиторної роботи та навчальні матеріали для самостійної роботи студентів, актуальні статті та тексти, глосарій і граматичний довідник, завдання для розвитку стратегій, необхідних студентам для ефективної участі у ситуаціях академічного та професійного спілкування.
Eran Vigoda
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2.23 Мб
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The book’s main goal is to shed light on various actual topics in the contemporary study of public systems.
Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum
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5.04 Мб
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This groundbreaking undergraduate textbook on modem Standard English grammar is the first to be based on the revolutionary advances of the authors' previous work, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (2002), winner of the 2004 Leonard Bloomfield Book Award of the Linguistic Society of America. The analyses defended there are outlined here more briefly, in an engagingly accessible and informal style. Errors of the older tradition of English grammar are noted and corrected, and the excesses of prescriptive usage manuals are firmly rebutted in specially highlighted notes that explain what older authorities have called 'incorrect' and show why those authorities are mistaken. This book is intended for students in colleges or universities who have little or no previous background in grammar, and presupposes no linguistics. It contains exercises and a wealth of other features, and will provide a basis for introductions to grammar and courses on the structure of English not only in linguistics departments but also in English language and literature departments and schools of education. Students will achieve an accurate understanding of grammar that will both enhance their language skills and provide a solid grounding for further linguistic study.
Richard Side, Guy Wellman
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14.75 Мб
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This book is for any advanced student of English but it is particularly relevant to people studying for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) exams. We assume that anybody using this book has a reasonable knowledge of and ability to use English, at least up to Cambridge First Certificate standard.
Grant Barrett
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2.86 Мб
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This book is the result of hunting on the Internet for unrecorded words. In these pages, you’ll find words you’ve never seen before—even though they’ve been around for decades. You’ll find old words with new definitions. You’ll find foreign words tiptoeing into foreign Englishes, sports jargon butting into politics, street slang bouncing out of California, and Spanish moving comfortably into mainstream American English. From dozens of countries, from politics and sports, slang and jargon, humdrum to extraordinary, new and old, what you’ll read is language that deserves a little more attention. Although it may look like it at first glance, not all of these words are new. Many are, but more than a few have histories spanning decades or even a century. They all share, however, two characteristics. One, they are undocumented or underdocumented. This means that there is more to be said about them than has so far appeared in other dictionaries. Two, they are interesting in and of themselves, either as cultural artifacts, for their history, or even just for the way they roll off the tongue.
Hiba Khodr
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1.23 Мб
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This dissertation examines American Public Administration’s relationship to political science. It analyzes major theoretical trends in both fields’ history that have had a profound impact on the historical development of such relation. These include: politicsadministration dichotomy, bureaucracy and democracy, theory and practice, and behavioralism. In addition, the appearance of the science of management and the emergence of the subfield of policy studies are two events that have contributed to major changes that occurred in the relationship between the two fields at different times. The method of research of this study is mainly historical. However, a content analysis is conducted. The data collected include primary sources, such as scholarly publications in both fields, and other related material such as the disciplines’ academic organization and professional associations. This study is divided into historical periods ranging from 1887 to present. These periods are formulated to highlight the relationship chronological development. By tracing such development this study is in a unique position to assess the relationship’s status, identifying both its high and low points. When was the origin; what is the nature; how was the course; and how is the present condition, of the two disciplines’ relationship? These are some of the questions this work attempts to answer.
Stephen E. Lucas
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13 Мб
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H. George Frederickson, Kevin B. Smith, Christopher W. Larimer, Michael J. Licari
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4.69 Мб
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Бахов І.С.
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570 Кб
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