State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Research activities

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Research activities

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "125 Кібербезпека" кафедри Управління інформаційною та кібернетичною безпекою та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

The staff of the department of information security work aims at providing practical training bachelors, masters, graduate students, the search for new effective forms of training, improving training and orientation process for formation of an educated, harmoniously developed personality, capable of continuous updating of knowledge, professional mobility.

The purpose of scientific activity is the creation, accumulation and use of research in the training and implementation of state policy in the sphere of science, research and innovation activities in Ukraine.

Research Department Management of information security carried out within and on the basis of scientific research institute of information protection of the State University of Telecommunications and directed to:

  • development of scientific school of information security management and organization of research priorities of the Department;
  • organization and conduct of scientific activities at the department (conferences, round tables, workshops);
  • conduct of scientific research on urgent issues of information security;
  • improving academic qualifications of teaching staff and employees (working on master and doctoral dissertation research in teaching at the graduate and job seekers scientific degree);
  • organization of research work of students (organization of student research groups, students perform research under the guidance of teaching staff, the preparation and conduct student research conferences at the institute and to ensure the participation of students in conferences at the University and in national events);
  • publication of research results (articles, theses, materials speeches at conferences, round tables, seminars).

Research and teaching staff of the department

Scientific and educational work carried out eight teaching staff of the department

Doctors of Sciences - 1; PhDs - 6; Professor - 1; Associate - 1; Senior Researcher - 3; Senior Lecturer - 1.

Over the period of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department have published manuals, gender and scientific abstracts.

Indicators of scientific and technical activities of the Department of Information Security Management for the 2011-2014 (Ukr.).

Preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher qualification

Director of the Institute PhD, Professor Shevchenko V.L. and Associate Professor Ph.D., senior researcher Scheblanin Y.M. members of the specialized scientific advice K 26.861.06. State University of Telecommunications.

During the reporting period, training candidates and doctors at the department was not performed.

In 2015, the planned introduction graduate student to study at postgraduate department of information security.

Faculty organize and manage the research work of students - one of the most important means of improving the quality of training in high school. Research work of students in scope scientific, methodical, organizational, providing all students learning research skills according to the chosen specialty as part of the learning process and beyond.

To perform these activities at the Department established three student research groups:

1. The scientific circle "Information Security Management".

The head of the group, Associate Professor, PhD in Public Administration   MuzhanovaTatiana.

2. Scientific circle "modeling and programming environments available to analysts."

The head of the group, head of the department, Doctor of Engineering, Professor Victor L. Shevchenko.

3. The scientific circle "theory of risk applied to the banking sector."

The head of the group, senior lecturer Shmorgun Yuri.

Overall in the circles of the department involved more than 30 students of the State University of Telecommunications. At the same time, a number of students involved in the execution of research work "Development of methods and technologies of combating specific information operations conducted against the population and the leadership of the state", code "Manjeta".

Fundamental and applied scientific research.

Research of the Department aims to:

  • study ways to create optimal and practical implementation of the educational process in the field of information security in terms of implementation of the requirements of international and domestic industry standards for information security management systems;
  • development and implementation of information educational environment in the educational process of the University;
  • development of proposals for the creation and implementation of security policies in the field of information and communication technologies;
  • Development Research and improvement of information security management.

                            Research works

The department performed research work "Development of methods and technologies of combating specific information operations conducted against the population and the leadership of the state", code "cuff".

The work is dedicated to improving the efficiency of the special information counter current operations directed against the population and the top political leadership of the state.

During 2014-2015, made the first and second stages of research. The result of the first phase of the analytical information "The analysis of the leading states for the organization and special information operations aimed at undermining the image and confidence in the political leadership of individual countries chosen as receptors," the second - "Analysis of destructive information and psychological impacts on the population of the state as a threat to national security of Ukraine "and" Development of organizational, methodological and legal bases of the organization countering destructive information and psychological impact on the population of Ukraine.

"Scientific Advisor - PhD, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine  Bogdanovich Volodymyr Yurievich.

In 2016 plans to open a second research topics of the department.

From the basic results of scientific and technical activity of teaching staff of the Department of Information Security can be found by reviewing the report of the department of information security.

Scientific and information support of the department

Department of Information Security Management is involved in organizing and carrying out scientific seminars and conferences Educational Institute natsuovoho information security of the State University of Telecommunications and scientific institutions of Ukraine.

Participation of members of faculty in academic, scientific conferences, symposia, seminars, round tables etc.

Scientific-teaching staff and students of the Department of Information Security participate in the annual workshops and conferences among which the following should be noted:

- VII Research Workshop "Topical issues of project management information in the field of security and defense";

- International scientific conference on "Actual problems of information security";

- Ukrainian competition of students' scientific works on natural, technical and humanities in "Information security";

- Student Scientific Conference of young scientists dedicated to the Day of Science "World Telecommunication and Information.

The number of scientific publications in professional journals in Ukraine and abroad for the last 3 years

• Published textbooks - 3.

• Published monographs - 3.

• Number of publications (papers) - 44.

• The number of published articles involving students -21.

• More information on publications teachers

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