State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "126 Інформаційні системи та технології" кафедри Інженерії програмного забезпечення автоматизованих систем та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.


Switching systems department was created in 2001 by the Department of automatic telecommunications, which began life in 1984 by order of the rector of the Ukrainian State Academy of Telecommunications. Popov. The first head of the department since 1980, was Ph.D., associate professor Pyotr Kozhemyakin. In 1992 he became Head of the Department Ph.D., Professor Ahmed Yakubovich Mirtalibov. Since 2001, the department was headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Natalia I. Kunakh. Since 2003 the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Hostyev. Since April 2015 the department was headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Camilla P. Storchak. Since May 2015 the department is headed by Ph.D., senior researcher Mikhail Stepanov.

The governing and teaching staff switching systems constantly working to improve the quality of education, using diverse forms of communication with the production, as well as studying in programs organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, companies - leaders in the field of communication: Watson Telecom, Alcatel-Lucent, Asterisk, specialized international organizations and partners from Europe and the CIS.

Department of intelligent systems which until 2016 was called Department of switching systems department has a laboratory simulation of CSK, which is equipped with a digital switching system (DCS) "Carpathians", flexible multiplexers and IP-PBX. To improve the efficiency study of modern digital switching systems type EWSD, Alcatel-1000 E-10, SI-2000, C-32 is equipped with a computer lab class.

Research and teaching and research staff of the department

Department staff - is highly qualified teachers who provide teaching subjects in a professional manner:

  • Ph.D., senior researcher Mikhail Stepanov.

  • Professor, PhD, Honored inventor of Ukraine, Honored Scientist of Ukraine Vladimir Hostyev;

  • Ph.D., Associate Professor Camilla Storchak conducts classes on subjects: "telecommunications switching systems," "Fundamentals of Digital Switching", "Computer technology in telecommunications and measurement", "The control systems of telecommunications.";

  • Ph.D., associate professor Tkalenko Oksana conducts classes on subjects: "Telecommunication Switching Systems", "Network technologies", "Computer technology and measurements in telecommunications.";

  • Ph.D., associate professor Olga Nevdachyna conducts classes on subjects: "Telecommunication Switching Systems", "Software Telecommunication Systems", "Systems of switching and distribution of information", "Network technologies", "Computer technology and measurement in telecommunications ";

Scientific schools

Activities Chair switching systems aimed at the development of technical science, and to support collaboration between specialists from different fields to discuss innovative ideas, review current problems of information, identification of solutions to exchange experiences, discuss projects and search for new solutions.

Science provided:

  • achievements recognized scientific school of direction "Infusion automatic control with digital controls";
  • research work, particularly on topical today on "fuzzy-active queue management system packet networks TCP / IP";
  • high qualification of the teaching staff;
  • Modern logistics (WatsonTelecom and equipment companies Alcatel Lucent).

The main scientific activity are:

  • training of graduate students and applicants degree of candidate of technical sciences;
  • implementation of research;
  • publication of scientific articles, reports, theses and participation in scientific seminars and conferences;
  • Work to improve the educational process and the search for new effective forms of training.

The department has since 2004 scientific school in "Infusion automatic control with digital controls", founded by PhD, Professor VI Hostyev. He conveys his experience to students and faculty chair of switching systems. In particular, under the personal guidance of Head of Department prof. VI Hostyeva prepared one doctor and four Candidates of Science among the employees of the department.

The department focuses on training postgraduate students scientific degree of candidate and doctor of technical sciences in the field "Radio devices and telecommunications", "Telecommunication systems and networks". To date, the department assigned two graduate distance learning and 1 full-time graduate student, successfully working on writing the thesis and actively participate in conferences and seminars.

Research group "Telephony and Switching"

The department established a scientific student circle "Telephony and Switching", the head of which is assistant Mogilevskiy V.B.

While visiting the science club students get acquainted with modern switching systems, acquire skills maintenance and operation of these systems. In particular, consider the following basic questions:

  • The main types of switching in telecommunication systems;
  • Modern switching equipment, its use and exploitation;
  • Equipment modern city exchanges;
  • PBX;
  • Interaction switching equipment of different generations and manufacturers;
  • Modernisation of networks based on new switching systems;
  • Testing switching systems in terms of performance;
  • Networks of packet switching, their construction and modern methods of dealing with congestion

and many other issues that will enable students to acquire practical skills in the specialty, including:

  • Set up and operate equipment for modern switching systems;
  • Diagnose and troubleshoot in the switching equipment;
  • To conduct modernization of networks by using modern switching equipment;
  • Carry out a general analysis and traffic analysis of the distribution network, and apply modern methods of dealing with congestion on networks.

In the circle today deals with 17 fourth-year students.

Scientific research work

All teachers of the department are actively involved in the implementation of research on problems of higher education and technology, scientific articles published in specialized journals industry. Research work of the department is aimed at improving the efficiency of telecommunication networks management systems improve methods of design and optimization. The work involved senior students and graduate students at the department.

The department conducted switching systems research initiative:

  • Project Manager Mikhail Stepanov - Associate Head of Department.
  • Artists project personnel department switching systems:
  1. Oksana Tkalenko, degree - PhD, post - Technology;
  2. Camilla Storchak, degree - PhD, post - Technology;
  3. Nevdachina Olga, degree - PhD, post - Technology;
  4. Fedorova Natalia, degree - PhD, post - Technology.

The main topics of research conducted at the Department of Constitutional Court in recent years:

1. Systems of active queue management packets in TCP / IP networks based on fuzzy logic.

2. Automatic fuzzy and PID transmitter power control (ARPP) in adaptive radio communication channels.

3. ARPP systems with analog and digital circuits korrektyruyuschymy in adaptive radio communication channels.

Phase 4. The system automatically adjust frequency and phase fluctuations generators.

5. Design of fuzzy controllers for radio systems.

6. Research of radio communication systems based interactive system MATLAB.

7. Improving quality indicators converged network.

The entire teaching staff is actively involved in scientific and methodological conferences involving partners of the department held in Ukraine and abroad.

U-Conferences Bukovina economic fund


Faculty COP continuously published scientific articles and reports, participate in conferences and seminars. In particular, over the past three years by the department COP was published 4 monographs, 7 textbooks and over 50 scientific articles in professional journals.

Particular attention is paid to participate in the scientific work of young professionals and scientists. The best graduates continue their education in graduate school and successfully defended dissertations, join the ranks of teachers.

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